Formed in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
Full Force comprises of:
Paul Anthony (vocals)
B-Fine (drums)
'Curt-T-T' Bedeau (guitar)
Bowlegged Lou (vocals)
Baby Gerry (keyboards)
Shy Shy (bass)
R&B group formed in Brookyn in 1979.
full force - 1985 / get busy 1 time - 1986 / guess who's coming to the crib? - 1987 / smoove - 1989
don't sleep! - 1992 / still standing - 2001
Full Force (Columbia Records 1985)
Full Force Get Ready One Time (Columbia Records 1986)
Guess Who's Comin' to the Crib? (Columbia Records 1987)
Smoove (Columbia Records 1989)
Don't Sleep! (Capitol Records 1992)
Sugar on Top (Calibre Records 1995)
Still Standing (TVT Records 2001)